

2016-08-18 LearnAndRecord

China Celebrates Bronze-Winning Olympic Swimmer's Spirit

August 17, 2016 5:06 AM ET

Heard on Morning Edition | NPR


A 20-year-old swimmer at the Olympic Games in Rio has become a national hero at home in China, not because of her swimming or her bronze medal[铜牌]. The Chinese are celebrating her Olympic spirit. Here's NPR's Anthony Kuhn.

ANTHONY KUHN, BYLINE: Fu Yuanhui became famous practically overnight thanks to a TV interview after the semifinals of the 100-meter backstroke[仰泳] last week. She tells her interviewer how amazed and satisfied she is at the result.


FU YUANHUI: (Gasping).

KUHN: She gasps[1]. She gapes. She beams[2].

JOHN YAN: Fu is very different. She stands out among the muted[缺乏热情的;淡漠的;(声音)不响亮的;减轻的] majority.

KUHN: Veteran Beijing-based sports commentator[北京资深体育评论员] John Yan notes that Chinese athletes, for the most part, remain quiet and conservative. They're trained in a state-run system that produces athletes like weightlifter[举重运动员] Meng Suping[3]. After winning the gold last week, Meng kneeled and lowered her head to the floor[4].

She thanked China and its leaders for giving her the chance to fulfill her duty. Those leaders often describe the Olympics as a contest of national strength. But John Yan says the Chinese fans are increasingly enjoying sports and athletes for their own sake[为其自身着想].

YAN: The race for No. 1 or No. 2 in the medal table[奖牌榜] has not grabbed so much public attention. I think it's a kind of positive change.

KUHN: China currently ranks second in the overall medal count[奖牌总数] behind the U.S. Fu Yuanhui, meanwhile, won even more praise on Saturday by breaking a taboo[打破禁忌] and speaking openly about the pain of competing while having her menstrual period[经期]. On Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, Fu has amassed[集聚;积累;大量收集(尤指钱或信息)] millions of followers thanks to her willingness...

YAN: ...To express her failings, her success, her disappointment. It comes out to be a real human being. And that's what, you know, warms up the whole nation.

KUHN: That warmth was on display on Tuesday as Fu arrived at the Beijing airport to a heroine's welcome[受到英雄般的欢迎]. Anthony Kuhn, NPR News, Beijing.



[1]gasp [gɑːsp]

to take a short quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain or shock (尤指由于惊奇、痛苦或震惊而)喘息,喘气,倒抽气

When she saw the money hidden in the box she gasped in surprise.


[ + speech ] "Help me!" he gasped.


[2]beam [biːm]

to smile with obvious pleasure 高兴的微笑,眉开眼笑

She beamed with delight/pleasure at his remarks.


The child beamed at his teacher as he received the award.


[ + speech ] "I'm so pleased to see you, " he beamed (= said as he smiled).










